文獻庫房...本站使用之文獻總覽 [2017.11.04 更新]
- Torssell, K.B.G. Natural Product Chemistry---a
mechanistic and biosynthetic approach to secondary
metabolism, John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
- 洪伯誠, 「天然有機化合物漫談」, 藝軒, 1996.
- 何子樂, 「科技趣事:勢難敵匹」, 眾光:台北,
- 呂慧娟(譯), 「迴盪化學兩極間」, 天下遠見:台北,1998.
(Roald Hoffmann, The same and not the same)。
- Natural Products Chemistry, Kodansha:Tokyo,
Vol.1,1974; Vol.2,1975;
- 後滕俊夫, 「天然物化學」(日文),
丸善株式會社:東京, 1984.
- Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry,
- Mann, J. et al. Natural Products--Their
Chemistry and Biological Significance , Longman
Scientific & Technical:London,1994.
- Advances in Natural Products Chemistry--extraction and
isolation of biologically active compounds, Kodansha,
- 鄭炳全, 「實用天然藥物」, 大展:台北, 1997.
- Nakanishi, K. A Wandering Natural Products Chemist,
American Chemical Society:Washington,DC, 1991.
- 顏焜熒, 「植物化學」,
國立中國醫藥研究所: 台北, 1972.
- Flora of Taiwan(台灣植物誌) Vol. II &
- 甘偉松著,藥用植物學。
- 杭群, 廿一世紀新寵-銀杏葉的超強療效
世茂: 台北縣, 1998. (銀杏)
- Hori, T.; Ridge, R. W.; Tulecke, W.; Del Tredici, P.; Trémouillaux-Guiller,
J.; Tobe, H. (Eds.) Ginkgo Biloba, a global treasure:
from biology to medicine Springer-Verlag: Tokyo, 1997.
- Cormier, M. J.; Wampler, J. E.; Hori, K Bioluminescence:
Chemical Aspects in Progress in the Chemistry of
Organic Natural Products Springer-Verlag: Vienna, 1973,
30, pp1-60. (生物發光)
- Silverstein, R. M.;
Bassler, G. C.; Morrill, T. C. Spectrometric
Identification of Organic Compounds (5th. ed.),John
Wiley & Sons: NY, 1991, p235.
- Becker, E. D. High
Resolution NMR: Theory and Chemical Applications
(2nd. Ed.) Academic Press: NY, 1980, p78.
- 恩斯特.D.普林曾伯格
小薰書房: 台北, 1999.(人參)
- 董大成 "白鳳豆與靈芝", 元氣齋:台北,
1998. (白鳳豆)
- 楊玉齡(譯), 佛克曼醫生的戰爭-終結癌症的新曙光,
天下遠見:台北, 2001. (Robert
Cooke, Dr. Folkman's war: Angiogenesis and the
struggle to defeat cancer)
- 何子樂, 化學花絮, 眾光: 台北, 2001.
- The Merck Index (12th ed.), 1996, p139.
- 化學命名原則, 國立編譯館, 1997, p54.
- Nature, 401, 150-152. (分子馬達)
- Nature, 401, 152-155. (分子馬達)
- Williams, D. H.; Bardsley, B. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.
1999, 38, 1172. (vancomycin)
- 三本健康世界 1999,62,
10. (蜂膠)
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. 1999, 47,
1388. (蜂膠)
- Higa, M.; Yogi, S.; Hokama,
K. Bull. Coll. Sci. Univ. Ryukyus. 1987, 13,
- Kuo, Y.-H.; Li, Y.-C. J.
Chin. Chem. Soc. 1997, 44, 321.(榕樹)
- Kuo, Y.-H.; Li, Y.-C. J.
Nat. Prod. 1997, 60, 292.(榕樹)
- Li, Y.-C.; Kuo, Y.-H. Phytochemistry
1998, 49, 2417.(榕樹)
- Kuo, Y.-H.; Li, Y.-C. Chem.
Pharm. Bull. 1999, 47, 299.(榕樹)
- González, A. G.;
Guillermo, J. A.; Ravelo, A. G.; Jimenez, I. A.; Gupta,
M. P. J. Nat. Prod. 1994, 57, 400.(榕樹)
- Bauer, R.; Zschocke, S. Medizinische Anwendung von Ginkgo
biloba L. Geschichtliche Entwicklung.
Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 1996,
17, 275-283. (銀杏)
- Weinges, K.; Happ, M.; Jaggy, H. Isolierung und
Strukturaufklärung eines neuen Ginkgolids. Liebigs.
Ann. Chem. 1987, 521-6. (銀杏)
- Antifeedant activities of Ginkgo biloba L. components
against the larva of Pieris rapae crucivora CA, 106:133761c.
- Jaggy, H. Die Inhaltsstoffe des Ginkgo-biloba-Extracktes
EGb 761. Hämostaseologie. 1993,
7-10. (銀杏)
- Murakami, T.; Kohno, K.; Kishi, A.; Matsuda, H.;
Yoshikawa, M. "Medicinal Foodstuffs. XIX. Absolute
Stereostructures of Canavalioside, a New Ent-Kaurane-Type
Diterpene Glycoside, and Gladiatosides A1, A2, A3, B1,
B2, B3, C1, and C2, New Acylated Flavonol Glycosides,
from Sword Bean, the Seeds of Canavalia gladiata"
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2000, 48(11),
1673-80. (白鳳豆)
- 何子樂, "中藥內的芳香化合物(上)", 科學月刊,
2000, 31(3), 232-240.
- 李會申,「擁有健康好身材,不要拒絕吃油」,
- ABC Science News (990826). (nepetalactone)
- Discovery online Brief 990909. (分子馬達)
- Tebonin 產品說明書。 (銀杏)
- Dictionary of Natural Products.
- 中央日報
中華民國八十九年八月七日, 第1版及第28版.
- Beilstein CrossFire.
- 中央日報 2000年6月4日第十版.
- 中央日報 2000年12月17日第八版。
- 簡佳裕, 「DHA與AA的來源」,
- http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/4409/carchem.htm
- Torssell, K.B.G. Natural Product Chemistry---a
mechanistic and biosynthetic approach to secondary
metabolism, John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
- ABC Science News (990826). (nepetalactone)
- Discovery online Brief 990909. (分子馬達)
- Nature, 401, 150-152. (分子馬達)
- Nature, 401, 152-155. (分子馬達)
- 洪伯誠, 「天然有機化合物漫談」, 藝軒, 1996.
- 何子樂, 「科技趣事:勢難敵匹」, 眾光:台北,
- 呂慧娟(譯), 「迴盪化學兩極間」, 天下遠見:台北,1998.
(Roald Hoffmann, The same and not the same)。
- Natural Products Chemistry, Kodansha:Tokyo,
Vol.1,1974; Vol.2,1975;
- 後滕俊夫, 「天然物化學」(日文),
丸善株式會社:東京, 1984.
- Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry,
- Mann, J. et al. Natural Products--Their
Chemistry and Biological Significance , Longman
Scientific & Technical:London,1994.
- Advances in Natural Products Chemistry--extraction and
isolation of biologically active compounds, Kodansha,
- 鄭炳全, 「實用天然藥物」, 大展:台北, 1997.
- Nakanishi, K. A Wandering Natural Products Chemist,
American Chemical Society:Washington,DC, 1991.
- 顏焜熒, 「植物化學」,
國立中國醫藥研究所: 台北, 1972.
- Williams, D. H.; Bardsley, B. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.
1999, 38, 1172. (vancomycin)
- 三本健康世界 1999,62,
10. (蜂膠)
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. 1999, 47,
1388. (蜂膠)
- Flora of Taiwan(台灣植物誌) Vol. II &
- 甘偉松著,藥用植物學。
- Higa, M.; Yogi, S.; Hokama,
K. Bull. Coll. Sci. Univ. Ryukyus. 1987, 13,
- Kuo, Y.-H.; Li, Y.-C. J.
Chin. Chem. Soc. 1997, 44, 321.(榕樹)
- Kuo, Y.-H.; Li, Y.-C. J.
Nat. Prod. 1997, 60, 292.(榕樹)
- Li, Y.-C.; Kuo, Y.-H. Phytochemistry
1998, 49, 2417.(榕樹)
- Kuo, Y.-H.; Li, Y.-C. Chem.
Pharm. Bull. 1999, 47, 299.(榕樹)
- González, A. G.;
Guillermo, J. A.; Ravelo, A. G.; Jimenez, I. A.; Gupta,
M. P. J. Nat. Prod. 1994, 57, 400.(榕樹)
- 杭群, 廿一世紀新寵-銀杏葉的超強療效
世茂: 台北縣, 1998. (銀杏)
- Hori, T.; Ridge, R. W.; Tulecke, W.; Del Tredici, P.; Trémouillaux-Guiller,
J.; Tobe, H. (Eds.) Ginkgo Biloba, a global treasure:
from biology to medicine Springer-Verlag: Tokyo, 1997.
- Bauer, R.; Zschocke, S. Medizinische Anwendung von Ginkgo
biloba L. Geschichtliche Entwicklung.
Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 1996,
17, 275-283. (銀杏)
- Weinges, K.; Happ, M.; Jaggy, H. Isolierung und
Strukturaufklärung eines neuen Ginkgolids. Liebigs.
Ann. Chem. 1987, 521-6. (銀杏)
- Antifeedant activities of Ginkgo biloba L. components
against the larva of Pieris rapae crucivora CA, 106:133761c.
- Tebonin 產品說明書。 (銀杏)
- Dictionary of Natural Products.
- Jaggy, H. Die Inhaltsstoffe des Ginkgo-biloba-Extracktes
EGb 761. Hämostaseologie. 1993,
7-10. (銀杏)
- Cormier, M. J.; Wampler, J. E.; Hori, K Bioluminescence:
Chemical Aspects in Progress in the Chemistry of
Organic Natural Products Springer-Verlag: Vienna, 1973,
30, pp1-60. (生物發光)
- 恩斯特.D.普林曾伯格
小薰書房: 台北, 1999.(人參)
- 中央日報
中華民國八十九年八月七日, 第1版及第28版.
- Silverstein, R. M.;
Bassler, G. C.; Morrill, T. C. Spectrometric
Identification of Organic Compounds (5th. ed.),John
Wiley & Sons: NY, 1991, p235.
- Becker, E. D. High
Resolution NMR: Theory and Chemical Applications
(2nd. Ed.) Academic Press: NY, 1980, p78.
- Beilstein CrossFire.
- 董大成 "白鳳豆與靈芝", 元氣齋:台北,
1998. (白鳳豆)
- Murakami, T.; Kohno, K.; Kishi, A.; Matsuda, H.;
Yoshikawa, M. "Medicinal Foodstuffs. XIX. Absolute
Stereostructures of Canavalioside, a New Ent-Kaurane-Type
Diterpene Glycoside, and Gladiatosides A1, A2, A3, B1,
B2, B3, C1, and C2, New Acylated Flavonol Glycosides,
from Sword Bean, the Seeds of Canavalia gladiata"
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2000, 48(11),
1673-80. (白鳳豆)
- 楊玉齡(譯), 「佛克曼醫生的戰爭-終結癌症的新曙光」,
天下遠見:台北, 2001. (Robert
Cooke, Dr. Folkman's war: Angiogenesis and the
struggle to defeat cancer)
- 何子樂, "中藥內的芳香化合物(上)", 科學月刊,
2000, 31(3), 232-240. (也是翻身)
- 中央日報 2000年6月4日第十版.(也是翻身)
- 中央日報 2000年12月17日第八版。(也是翻身)
- 李會申,「擁有健康好身材,不要拒絕吃油」,
- 簡佳裕, 「DHA與AA的來源」,
- 何子樂, 「不飽和脂肪酸與健康」,
化學花絮, 眾光: 台北, 2001, pp115-120。(酸溜溜Ⅰ)
- The Merck Index (12th ed.), 1996, p139.
- 化學命名原則, 國立編譯館, 1997, p54.
- http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/4409/carchem.htm